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[PyrNet-L] (Fwd) OWNC Draft Workshop

This workshop is open to all breeds........

Janice, janices@jump.net
Admiral & Linsey (newfs), Bianca & Sonny (pyrs)  
Leander, TX
Visit Old West Newfoundland Club's website at  

------- Forwarded Message Follows -------
Date sent:      	Sun, 25 Oct 1998 22:11:46 +0000
Send reply to:  	mrshumer@texas.net
From:           	"Merrie & Dick Shumer" <mrshumer@texas.net>
To:             	newf-l@lists.colorado.edu
Subject:        	OWNC Draft Workshop

There are still some spaces available for Old West Newfoundland 
Club's Draft Workshop.  Cheryl Dondino will be presenting the 
workshop and we're looking forward to learning lots of wonderful 
training techniques.  The workshop will be held on Saturday, November 
7th and Sunday, November 8th in Austin, Texas.  Please email us for 
more information if you want to attend an outstanding workshop.

Merrie and Dick Shumer