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Re: [PyrNet-L] chat: help ASAP

ok, let's take it down a notch.  no one was there but me and knows what
happened but the "poor dog" lunged at me because it had taken food that
wasn't intended for him, and then reacted aggressively.  i walked into my
galley style kitchen which has only one entrance, found him with front paws
on counter and instinctively said, NO, and DOWN, while walking toward him
to correct him.  that's how he got cornered and reacted the way he did.

this thread is indicative of what ann rightly points out in her post.  if
we are on this list and actively participate, it shows  we have a high
degree of breed involvement and knowledge.  when i received advice such as
this, it really demoralizes me because i am doing everything i can and
listening to every word of constructive advice in order to deal with the
situation.  instead, what i really love about the list were the 7 or 8
people who could really relate to the complexity of the situation (having
owned a difficult (vs. vicious) dog and the decision to euthanize is not
obvious)  responding with "i feel your pain" kind of responses.  they made
some really good suggestions and made me feel like with time things have
already gotten better and will continue to do so.

there's no way to judge a situation unless you're there -- the recent
thread about the pyr on the bed protecting the owner from the daughter is
another example -- and while we post to the list to get help, we do not
post to be chastised for our own attempts to solve difficult problems.

on the other hand, i don't think we should be totally a "love fest" as i've
referred to it in the past either.  these can be difficult dogs and people
should be aware of this before they purchase and definitely before they
adopt a rescue.  a healthy dialogue exists when both pros and cons are
presented and dealt with given the assumption that high breed knowledge and
moreso involvement is tantamount to participation on this list.

my 4 cents!


BCavins303@aol.com on 11/02/98 02:23:12 PM

Please respond to pyrnet-l@pyrnet.org

To:   pyrnet-l@pyrnet.org
Subject:  Re: [PyrNet-L] chat: help ASAP

The person who made the remark about an ounce of brains was me.  No, I did
plan it to make the person feel better.  I said it because I was angry.  It
the person who cornered the dog (accidently) had kept an eye open, they
have seen that the dog was cornered.  One doesn't mistakenly not see that.
Obviously the poor dog felt trapped.  I'll bet that would never had
if the person had been dealing with a human child.
So, if you want to take up the issue with me you are perfectly welcome to.
Maybe something everyone should remember is THINK BEFORE YOU ACT.

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