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[PyrNet-L] Pyrs easy to train???? NOT!!

In a message dated 11/2/98 5:20:05 PM Pacific Standard Time,
BCavins303@aol.com writes:

<< I do take issue with your comment that pyrs can be difficult
 dogs or maybe we have an exception.  I have never found ours to be difficult
 and in fact, one of the easiest trained dog we have ever had.  >>

   REALLY????  I think maybe you are the exception!! Pyrs are notorious for
their independence and stubbornness!!  They are extremely intelligent, true,
and they do understand what you want of them most of the time I believe, BUT
and this is a BIG BUT: they can also choose to totally ignore you and act like
they are deaf or don't have a clue what you want and why you would even expect
them to do something just because you say some silly word or other when
obviously THEY know BETTER than you what they think they should be doing at
that moment!!! Albert may KNOW a lot of tricks, but the key is what percentage
of the time can I depend on him to do them the first time I ask and also if he
will do them with distractions around. KNOWING and being TRAINED to do them on
command and OBEYING every time are  very different concepts!!!  Twice in the
past week people have mentioned something that I thought was both very
accurate and also very funny:  That the stubbornness and independence of the
Pyr is like having a cat in Pyrs clothing!! And that cats and Pyrs both do not
really care about obeying or what Man thinks or wants and think of themselves
as a kind of Supreme Being that knows better than Man what he should be doing.

:)  &  :)```  (me grinning & Albert grinning & drooling!)

Janice Vocke
Shelton, WA.