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Re: [PyrNet-L] Pyrs easy to train???? NOT!!

I dont blame you for saying you cant wait till Christmas!  You certainly have
done your share and obviously it has done well.  I have 3 much older kids now
and I take great pride in them.  One boy who is a nurse practioner, a daughter
who is a RN and another boy who is a contractor.  When my graddaughter was
born I received the biggest compliment of all when my son and daughter in law
told me that they intended to raise my granddaughter the same way that I
raised my son.  I taught each of them to accknowledge that every animal must
be given respect and none of us have any trouble is raising an animal.  
I must admit, I do have one problem with Angel the pyr and Reno the golden.
They keep trying to insist that they are lap dogs.  But, that is just their
way of wanting to be close.  I'll give you all something to grin about.  Try
sitting on the couch and having a 100 pry and an 85 pound golden try to sit on
your lap.  Maybe that's a good reason for me to lie on the floor with them.