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Re: [PyrNet-L] C'mon, let's all get alonggggg...

In a message dated 98-11-09 00:54:19 EST, you write:

<< "I dont sit on floors and explain
  to my dog why it shouldn't do something."  >>
     In an effort to help resolve this matter, I would like to comment. ANY
good trainer will tell you that the human needs to be Alpha in a relationship
with a dog. I believe all Janice meant was that the dog need not understand
why he must comply with something, only that he must comply because she, as
Alpha says so. 
I realize that Pyrs by nature DO often contemplate commands, as they are
independent thinkers, and therefore if she has to explain why she wants the
dog to do something each time she gives a command, she'll have alot of
explaining to do!
     I think what Dave meant is that he's very communicative with his Pyr's
and gives them the respect and love they deserve without authoritarianism.
      Janice is not an authoritarian and Dave is not oversentimental.
      You're BOTH right. IMHO, there never was an argument, just some possibly
incorrect assumptions made by some consciencious and proud parents!!!!!