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[PyrNet-L] Training Pyrs

I know I've missed some of the posts on this thread so this may be out of
context of the original post and those following but we took our first Pyr
(now 12 years old) to basic obedience class.  He was, at the time, 6 months
old.  By the end of the 3rd session, he was invited to stay for the following
session which was more advanced obedience with dogs who had already completed
the original basic course. My husband handled him and it was his first time
taking any dog through any type of anything <g>.  The trainers were just
delighted with him.  My husband wasn't really interested in pursuing obedience
competition beyond the basic so he completed his course and returned to the
back yard guarding his territory.  Eight years later, we took him for his
Canine Good Citizen test and with 10 minutes of brush-up, he passed with
flying colors...heel, sit, down, stay.....now that impressed the heck out of
us.  We took him to the test on a whim and came back with certificate in hand.
He is a pure delight.   A few months later, we took his two grandchildren who
were 3 years old and 5 years old  and they both got their certificates too.
These are very bright dogs, now how often they will do the `commands' and when
is another story <vbg>.  The initial training sessions perked their interest,
I guess.
