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Re: [PyrNet-L] Tellington Touch

I came across a couple of other websites on T-Touch at:  

and one on massage at: 

And another on keeper articles on clicker at:  


The big reason I see listed for T-Touch and massage all around is 
gain's the dog's trust and increases the bond between you and 
your dog + the benefits of relaxation.  I know Sonny loves to be 
touched.  I'll sit and just do a massage every once in awhile and 
you can see the little pyr smile come across his face.  I have to 
reference what newer dog training says put the relationship in place 
first and the training comes easy.  I have a tendency to do that.  
Now some people know that Sonny came from an abusive former 
owner back to his breeder before I got him and it took me a long 
time to put that relationship in place with him of him trusting me.  
Though some will disagree it's useless to go and try to train your 
dog if the bond or relationship isn't there.  The training comes easy 
if the bond and relationship is there.  

Janice, janices@jump.net
Admiral & Linsey (newfs), Bianca & Sonny (pyrs)  
Leander, TX
Visit Old West Newfoundland Club's website at  