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[PyrNet-L] Re: Vicious Dog attack

 Cindy Henke wrote the following hurtful, illogical letter:
  	How does anyone get involved with anything that could be
 considered a suable offense in excess of 18 times?  Do you sue for a
 living?  I know that you said you didn't sue in 18 cases, but that would
 imply that you thought you had a reason to.
 I find it odd that you find so much  to consider a possible
 lawsuit. But I am amazed that you consider it such a handy device! 
 Frankly, I am amazed that you have dogs at all.
 	I  took some time off to let this thing cool down,  but your
 letter is actually rather bizarre, and I had to write.  Evidently if you
 were sitting in a colosseum in Rome, your thumb would be in the down
 position all the time!  Pity the poor creatures, that you would pass
 judgement on.
 	After reading your letter, I like people like Judith better, she
 at least makes an effort to get to the bottom of things!
 	I would like to think that this whole thing could die down now,
 as was suggested,  but somehow, I doubt it will.
 Cindy Henke
 Ennis, Texas>>
    Did you read my post at all??  I said I did NOT SUE!!!  There have been at
least 18 times when I could have!  I am not dumb. I know what you can take to
small claims court and what you can sue for.  But I am NOT an opportunist or
sue-happy!!  I have never ever gone to court to sue someone!!  If you read my
post you SHOULD know that!!  I said that I have had insurance companies
reimburse me for medical expenses twice.  That is not the same as "suing for a
living!! "  How dare you suggest such a thing!!  Maybe you are luckier than I
and my family have been.  I have shared how we have been bitten by dogs many
times. My husband and myself were both in the delivery fields for years. He
still is a letter carrier. Dogs try to attack him daily repeatedly in his line
of work. He has been pretty lucky as far as extent of injuries suffered.  I
was the least lucky of us, dog bite injury-wise. Also I have dislocated an
ankle before because the only way to exit a house was to jump four feet off
their porch when new concrete steps were being put in and I landed on edge of
sidewalk.  Also I had two kids playing tag at a roller rink hit me going
sideways instead of the correct direction and send me flying through the air
and landing hard and being unconscious and having concussion, 2 broken hands,
1 where the bones were broken seven times and the bones had moved all around
(needing pins) and also many many bruises. I had a drunk driver going 90 mph
run a stop sign and get in an accident with me. I have had a sister rip me off
for my rightful inheritance for about $150,000 one time and now again after my
brother's recent death, again for  over $2,500.  I had a renter rip me off for
rent and belongings (furnished place) once. Then there is unpaid child support
payments. An employer that ripped me off for wages, because they did not pay
correct base pay.  Employers that ripped me off by not paying overtime, and
instead putting down extra hours on days I did not work so they would not pay
overtime wages. Employers that ripped me off for overtime pay worked because
it was not authorized ahead of time, even though the main office was closed at
time and couldn't be reached and there was an emergency requiring my
expertise. I would be authorized next day, but they claimed it had to be
authorized ahead of time to be paid. Hubby is hard of hearing from working in
engine rooms in Navy and never even put in for disability, even though he had
medical reports to document it. I had a gorgeous cherry classic car wrecked
(totalled) and of course insurance co's never want to pay for classic cars'
value. They only would pay for a quarter the value of it.  I could have sued
the driver that was at fault for rest. I have been ripped off three times when
people I sold cars to didn't change the title and years alter cars were towed
and  I had to pay the towing and storage fees or lose my driver's license.
Then I had Parke-Davis, a pharmaceutical company decide to have my medicine
made in third world countries to save 2 cents each and they did not follow the
right directions and made it the wrong dosage.  I had to quit my job because
the medicine would no longer control my condition and I couldn't drive when I
had a spell as it has same symptoms of having a stroke. Plus paid a lot of
extra medical bills to find out why the problem was getting much worse!
Finally the FDA found out what the problem was, ordered them to make it
correctly & they refused to comply so they shut them down so they could no
longer make that medicine in that third world country. Unfortunately they were
the only company for years that made a medicine to combat this condition.   I
tried to force them to make it here in the US correctly, but because it had
existed longer than 10 years, it was grandfathered in and did not fall under
the Orphan Drug Act like it should have.  Had one kid get in car wreck with
unlicensed driver. Had other one get rear-ended by a friend. Have had people
rip me off in my former business (limousine service) before by running up
extra charges and then running off without paying and doing a lot of damage to
limo. Had others arrange for limo service and after getting there they didn't
have the money. (Had turned down other jobs and there were expenses involved
and wages involved for both driving and cleaning limo.) Had a horrible, though
expensive paint job done on a limo (wrong color and poor quality, bubbles),
and they took 1.5 weeks longer than promised and I had to not just cancel
jobs, but pay other companies who charged more than me to do those jobs and I
lost thousands of dollars as a result and had to sell limo  cheap, as I could
not afford another paint job.  So actually we are up to about 19 instances,
not counting the dog bites (many, but only a few required much in the way of
medical expenses) and my main disability. That one I haven't yet decided
whether to sue or not. I probably should as it is a permanent disability and I
never have been reimbursed for all medical expenses. Plus had to quit job and
cannot do most of my other past jobs I have held, either. And it was due to
negligence where I had told them for weeks about a problem and it was never
corrected until after I was hurt in a 2-story fall onto concrete floor.
Rotator cuff injury, collar bone broken off from sternum, and two permanent
shoulder injuries, plus a dislocated shoulder (healed) and badly injured ankle
(partially healed). Lucky I wasn't killed. Trying to decide whether to have
surgery that would possibly cure one of the four remaining permanent shoulder
injuries (the one most degenerative one) by cutting off 1.5 inches of my
collar bone. Need to decide in next couple months whether to sue or not before
time limit is up. 
    For you to accuse me of all people of the horrid things you did is
atrocious!!  Out of 30 ( I underestimated before as I wasn't really counting
all of them) times I could have sued for good reason (maybe not for millions
or even thousands much of the time, yet for at least hundreds each time) I
only got $1,000 cash award once and had to split that with attorney, but have
spent much more than that through the years for additional medical expenses
relating to that injury. No, I do NOT "sue for a living!!" (As you so cold-
heartedly accused me of!)  And going through that horrible wreck definitely
does NOT seem like "a handy device", as you so callously put it!!!  What a
horrible thing to say!!  And you think you are compassionate?? Everyone that
does sue for something does not make it rich, either, for your information!!
Most people probably just get reimbursed for expenses & damages. Most is
probably for small amounts like a couple hundred dollars, too, I bet, in small
claims court. There are those that "make a living out of suing", and I too,
think that is horrible!  I would not assume that someone was doing that,
though, with no supporting facts. And certainly if they had just said that
they don't then I would not make that kind of accusation!  What a hurtful and
horrible thing to do!!  If you need a job maybe you can find a tabloid that
needs someone like you!  Tabloid journalism seems right up your alley!
    Also I have never put a dog to death because he bit me!!  We have been
bitten on a number of occasions, but I have never even had a dog quarantined.
My husband has had animal control pick up many vicious strays on his route. It
is either that or no one for blocks around would get their mail delivered
anymore.  They would all have to go miles and miles to the Post Office to get
it, because of someone who is an irresponsible pet owner.  What happens to the
animal then is up to animal control and the owners. All he does is report
them. I too consider it an occupational hazard - one caused by irresponsible
pet owners and vicious dogs. All dog attacks should be reported I feel. 
    If you are amazed that I, someone who has rescued about 35 dogs and have
cared for many hundreds of wildlife animals that are either orphaned or
injured, then you get amazed for all the wrong reasons!  I'd be more amazed
that this vicious dog attacked an elderly woman in his owner's home when she
was a guest who merely tried to pet the dog. I am always amazed when I am
attacked without provocation, especially since most animals, even wild ones
sense that I love and care about them a lot and only want to help them and be
nice to them. You do not know what you are talking about!  And I suggest that
you take some time to find out in the future before posting!  I can handle
differing opinions, as long as they are based in facts.  I suggest you find
out the facts before jumping to conclusions and forming opinions and publicly
stating those opinions. And trying to damage another person's reputation!  
    I also suggest everyone read my next post, too.
 Janice Vocke