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[PyrNet-L] Re: please fwd or send me list add

Jeannine De Palma wrote:
    Dear lovely pyr-net people,
    As you know, I'd rather not be part of this topic and have not been
for a good while.
    However, Jeannie De Palma has once again asked me to forward a post
along to you for her.
    This will be the last time that I do.
    I believe all voices need always be heard.
    After I post this, however, I will be politely posting Jeanie to ask
her to either join our list or use someone else on it to forward her
mail on this subject. Any of you that want to help her in the future
along these lines, please feel free to.
    Hence forth, I still remain uninvolved with this subject, please. I
am only a messenger!
    Thank you!
    Happy Pyr New Year!
    Judth, Jonah & Lexi

> Judith i would appreciate if you would fwd this to the people who are
>  having a pvt discussion about .It  would be appreciated.
>  I hope everyone had a Happy Holiday.
>  I would like to start by saying everyone is entitled to there OWN
>  opinion. Yet no  one should print un factual info. without verifying
>  first.
>  & if you make a mistake just reprint. dont cloud the issues.
>  The last time I checked we are all human.
>  Janice, you were sent emails from me & joe telling you the woman is
> 26
>  years old. YET you state someone should post her age. YOU got it days
>  before your last post here. So your assumption was wrong yet you
>  the issue with NON issues. Either way NO one DESEARVES to get bit.
>  Whether they be 16 threw 90. You posted that WRONG info for sympathy
>  period.  Didnt work.
>  Erractic behavior no one ever posted: please how many people do u
> know
>  act Normal when DRUNK. so that is that.
>  One thing i tried to stay away from is putting down the humans other
>  stating there conditions.  WHAT gave you the right to judge JOE on
> what
>  type of morals he had regarding SEX? What has this to do with the
> DOG>
>  You had no right to go off the DEEP end/ So it is safe to assume you
>  have NEVER mad a mistake EVER in JUDGMENT????
>  You have read joes post Yet you detest. Well for the record Joe is
> has
>  Hepatis C. As he stated. HE WAS NOT DRUNK.
>  Now since you made a assumption re: the dog & woman
>  I posted I needed a man to help with the dog why?
>  1.Because i was told that since the dog came in ALL the woman were
>  afraid to TOUCH him.   So I guess Now dogs cant detect FEAR???
>  2. The dog has been safe for 3 years around woman including
>  maids,neighbors, family etc,. NOOOO problems.(court documents)
>  AGAIN JANICE prove me wrong there is NOO bite history on this
> dog.....
>  I research what i print..(court documents)
>  3. finally the dog has been caged up for many months since the VERY
>  moment he bit the woman. I guess confinement makes a HAPPY Camper..
>  Lets not forget this was a Previous Rescue Dog. No previous history
> is
>  available. Before 2 years. It is safe to say he was abused. HIs
>  testicles were cut (fixed) with Barb wire, Maybe that person was a
>  drunk. Who is to know? So Janice should we put out not to rescue dogs
>  without knowing there history?  Please.
>  The motives behind Joe & the womans intentions I consider PVT
>  If you expect me or anyone else to cload the issues with human
> morals.
>  Remember this is a DOG list. My opinion is if this was my boyfriend &
> r
>  husband & he brought home this drunk. Believe me> he would have his
> PVTS PICKLED. But thats me. I believe to Each is on.
>  One should not judge unless one is beyond reprouch period.
>  Last i checked 5 hours in the hospital she did NOT get a IV or
> Breakfast Hospital style More attempt at sympathy..
>  Your life style regarding your efforts with drunk drivers has no
>  revelance to the DOG issue.
>  You wrote to tom about your professional lives> The fact that your
>  husband has gotten bit by dogs threw his Career. & your have & your
> kids have/. Only shows Bias.. I am a PVT investigator I have been
> attacked by > more black people than white. Does that make  all black
> people bad.. NO > I hold No grudges be it human or Canine.
>  The fact that you need sorid details on the reasons why she was there
>  & so one. Says something
>  There is NO facts other than I have stated regarding the DOG Period.
>  Yes there are more human facts even ones i would side with the womans
>  on. Like what were they doing or going to do/. In my younger years i
>  have tied a couple on. & if I went to a someones home being brought
>  there by joe or man alike. & got bit. S--T I would be pissed off. I
>  would take him for all hes got just with the face bite itself
>  I probely would get a whole facelift paid by the owner.
>  But thats me. Not everyone
>  Yet I would not insist the DOG be killed. That is what is comes down
>  too.
>  My issues was the judges desicion was based on him being a Flock
> Guard.
>  The general public still does not understand what a F.G. is....
>  We do not need a Judge Ruling that a LGD is a PREDATOR.
>  & I will fight that to the end. I really have no interest in the
> human
>  side of it.
> Now i would suggest like I have said before. Go for the facts
> I have personally spoked to the human society before the media
> attention
> It is amazing how things change when you have hundreds of supporters
> for
> the dog. Think about it.....I have spoken to the lawyer, many
> officials
> I have read documents to support my posts. Have you?
> When I am given permission by the judges & or lawyers involved.
> I would be more than happy to fwd to you & anyone interested ALL
> transcripts.....Fax # please
> Now if you chose to CLOAD  this issue any further. It only shows
> something a little more hidden within yourself.
> If you wish discuss acceptable temperments & triggers involved between
> Your breed (AKC) vs Rare Breeds. There could be some education there.
> I know for a fact that  AKC frown on temperment. Do you think the
> great
> PYS that were around in 1000 bc were as amicable as they are today?
> They all stem form the same tree. No one has ever compared the Tatra
> maremma, Akbash etc to the PYS. & believe me No one will.Because when
> a prospective puppy buyer calls me a says. " i have owned a PYS my
> hole
> life I would like to get your rescue Akbash or buy a Central Asian
> Ovcharka. MY very Quick answer will be NO. They are Different Dogs
> with
> Different temperments & should be treated as such.
>  & yes My opinion is janice your post to FG should of waited untill
> after > Xmas. I left it on a good note. One week a year I dont beat
> people up > verbally or physically (arresting). We have 51 other weeks
> for that.
> Thanks to all the people on this list who gave opposing simple
> explanations. & thank you judith for everything youre great. I was
> able
> to finally sort threw the 245 emails to date & give credit where
> credit
> is do. I you ever need help with a rescue Pys is the buffalo area,
> Next year when i finished converting one of the barns. Please feel
> free
> to call.
> In conclusion Joe was wrong period. the dog should of been put away..
> The woman should of heeded his warning . & the dog should not of bit.
> No
> one knows what happened in that 3 seconds joe was out of the room
> including the woman. & janice The dog & the woman were found on the
> FLOOR not the BED. It seems she fell off the bed on to the dog.
> Happy holidays
>  Jeannine De Palma