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[PyrNet-L] Intro


My name is Barbara Burrows, I live in central Wyoming, with my husband, my
two great Pyrenees, Erma and Etta and 200 head of their sheep. They are the
most amazing dogs in how they manage which does what. I used to worry when
they would just lay around and let the sheep go out to pasture without them
and other days they would be on watch before the sheep go out. I have never
lost a lamb since I have had them, they just seem to know when all is right
in their world and when there is a danger.

I will never forget when I first got Erma, driving by the pasture on the way
to town saw what looked like her eating on a sheep. I went tearing out to
stop her and found that she was pulling on the coat of a ewe who had gotten
herself cast in a ditch, trying to help the ewe get upright again.

Amazing dogs, just trust them they will tend to your sheep and you and

Enjoy the list most of the time, but not the last few days, hoping things
get back on track
