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[PyrNet-L] CHAT: 86th day of rain & my workshop's done!

   Well the waters here are receding some. (Flooding in our county.)Today just
had to cross water on our road twice to get to Hwy. 101 and just had to cross
water across our road here within one mile of our house in one place.
(Compared to 6 times/ and 3 times yesterday)  Still in emergency conditions
and school buses not coming down our road still and dropping kids off 1.5
miles away from our home & we drive there to get our 12 year old son. TODAY IS
DAY 86 OF RAIN!! It has rained every day for 86 days straight now. Beginning
to feel I can exercise the dogs without handing them a canoe paddle, though!!!
   Have finally got my new costume design workshop here on our property done
enough and have heat in it now so that we could start to put costumes in it
today and use it now.  Driving me nuts trying to move all the costumes to the
workshop without getting them all drenched in the process, but what an
exciting day for me, though!!  Whole family was helping me move costumes in
and am getting it all organized!!  
   Of course Albert thinks I have a LOT of NERVE getting all this stuff in HIS
way out there in what Albert has come to think of, during the construction
process, as HIS own really BIG dog PLAYHOUSE!! ( It is a 2-story 16 X 24 foot
barn style building.)  Hubby says a garage is the next big construction
project for next year for him.  I said the dogs would really like their OWN
1-story building, too, attached to their pen!!  He said maybe they can have
the garage after he builds it when he's not working on a car!!  Put a big
lockable dog door on the pen side of it!!!  SHOCK!!  For a guy who never ever
had a dog until he married me..... he's come a LONG ways!!!  Great dog-crazy
guy now!!  Getting him trained right!!!
   Finishing up the costumes for "Anne Of Green Gables" at Olympia Little
Theatre now.  Plus tonight lent an Olympia fourth grade class "Little House On
The Prairie" and "Charlotte's Web" bonnets, after hearing from the teacher
that she was trying to make them out of paper and that they kids really were
wanting bonnets.  Surprised the teacher with the bonnets and she was so
thrilled & excited!!   She said they can really use Tom Sawyer hats, too.
Happened to have one in my van at the time (go figure!!) and gave her that one
and said I'd give her more of them Monday after I get them out of my workshop!
   Great day!!!  Despite the rain!!!
Janice Vocke
Shelton, WA.