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If you think you can actually wack another dog, the tire thumper sticks (
metal tips ) that truckers use, are handy to walk with.  Other than that,
I would   think that there is the possibility that your dogs will be
cautious, watchful, and ready to fight in the future.  Sad but true. 
Hopefully not.  One thing with the giants is they are less likely to take
on petty skirmishes, it is one thing I do love about the big guys!  Of
course, woe be to those who persist.

It annoys me that our youngsters have to get harnessed this way, after
all, walks should be fun, not battles.  And in the end, it isn't the
dogs, it's the owners that are behind all the problems.  You would think
that  owner would have to be darn worried about what if his dog ran out
after a child???

We have dogs around here that go after the horses when we ride.  I've
called the sheriff on them, and nothing happens.

Good luck, I feel for you, I know how nerve wracking it can be!    Cindy.

Cindy Henke
Ennis, Texas

"All knowledge, the totality of all questions and answers, is contained
in the dog."  ~ Franz Kafka

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