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Re: [PyrNet-L] Is anybody out there?

Yep, I'm around and yes, it's quiet.  I have doggie watch duty this 
weekend.  Picked Sonny up from vet today after work.  Dropped 
him thursday to get neutered.  Vet called me this morning as 
Sonny had done a good job overnight getting the incision rather 
irritated looking.  They gave him a shot for pain this morning and 
sent him home with several things.  So, I have to kinda watch him 
closely for a couple of days.  Sutures out on the 23rd and he'll be 
back to normal activity then.  Now just have to schedule to get his 
doggie crowns done.  

Janice, janices@jump.net
Admiral & Linsey (newfs), Bianca & Sonny (pyrs)  
Leander, TX