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[PyrNet-L] Fw: Sam aka Houdini

My Mommie was mean to me today!  She gave me an awsome dinner last night and put me to bed and snuggled with me!  Then this morning, she told Daddy to take away my water and she wouldn't feed me breakfast no matter how hard I begged!  I even tried to get up on the washer and get the cat's food, but she shooed me down.  I looked on the table---- see, I am getting bigger now and can do these things!- and there was nothing there but coffee! YUK! I nuzzled Daddy and he wouldn't budge!  I was really thirsty and hungry... cotton-mouth- doggie breath!!  Then Mamma made me go out to the car.... I DIDN"T WANT to..... but she picked me up and put me in.  See? I overheard her say *VET and surgery*....... and after I was secure in the car (shows you what SHE knows....) she threw in a couple of my favorite toys and a couple of chews!  OH pleeeeeeeaseeeee..... those chews won't fill me up! Oh cool..she went back into the house!  Hmmmmm... dash board cover.... that looks interesting! Awwww... doesn't taste that good... the steering wheel cover? Nope, won't fill me up either.  These levers move! Lights, wipers, etc....now I'm bored. OK- I'll schmoooie all the windows- then she can't drive to the vet! Well, still bored. OK! Now what?  She's been gone all of 5 minutes...... ooooohhhhhhhh... if I put my paw on this (the hand crank), the window moves!  Wow! Hot diggity dog!  The window is DOWN and I can get out and escape!  OOOOOOPPPPPPSSSSSSS.... mom is watching me..... I MADE IT! I"M FREE!  ut oh... I've had it! Whadaya mean, back in the car?  Mommy, I don't wanna go......  where is this? Mommy's work? You want me to go down all those stairs? You gotta be kidding.. and let all those strange people pet and oooggllee all over me???? They need to get a life, but I certainly love the attention!  Ok, ok, I won't pee on the lab floor....... can't anyway, cause I am SO DRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Where now? to the vets..... wonder if they have water!
Sam didn't have the surgery... vet felt that the one eye was healing great on it's own, and hopes the other will as well, so why put Sam through surgery unnecessarly?  So we will watch it and reevaluate it in another couple of months. Now I can start obedience training!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! By then he'll be 6 mos and ready to neuter....... by then I'll have a car with electric windows or something so he can't make the great escape!He's 3 mos old.... God knows what he'll do when he grows up!!!!!!!!!!!!