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[PyrNet-L] Re: pyrnet-l-digest.19990723

In a message dated 7/23/1999 10:53:36 PM Central Daylight Time, Ann, Peg, 
Paddington and Ivy Rose write:

  Subject: Re(2): [PyrNet-L] HEALTH, CHAT: Clondike "Completely Normal?????"
 Glad to hear that Bear is much better. I always have the best luck just
 popping pills right down their throats. Paddington is amazing-he sits in
 front of me, I say "open," and pop the pill down, with one hand. Just love
 that huge mouth! Can't imagine having to give meds to a cat or small dog!
 Ann, Peg, Paddington and Ivy Rose (I don't do as well as Paddy, but I
 tolerate it, for a doggy treat reward!)
Slickest trick I ever pulled was on Belle.  I was doing sits for treats and 
substituted an antibiotic pill for one of the treats.  Kept working a couple 
minutes after, and don't think she ever really noticed the substitution.  
Much nicer than stuffing pills down the throat.

Jack Mowery and Belle (don't kid your self, daddy. I noticed) of the Amarillo 