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[PyrNet-L] Pyrenees en Guarde!

Hi -

I'm new the list and have a story and a question.

We have 2 Pyrs - female 18 months, male 12 months.

We also have a retirement community for 7 sheep (past 4H projects).

One of our sheep died (so now we have 6) - both dogs were very curious
about it, sniffing, licking, etc.

Then when I was burying it our female Pyr decided to stand guard over it
- to the point of getting into the first real fight I've seen between
our two Pyrs.  He drew blood - but she wouldn't back down and he backed

She would not let the male near the dead sheep - and she laid by it the
whole time I was digging the grave.

Under normal circumstances the male does occasionally chase the sheep -
she doen't even pay attention.  But in this instance - she wouldn't
allow even the slightest approach.

So, has anyone seen anything similiar?  Any explanation for this kind of
behavior?  I know that Pyrs will not tolerate any predators near the
animals the protect, but why did she turn on the male?

