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[PyrNet-L] RE: [GiantDogs-L] crate question

Where do you have your crate? I have mine in my bedroom and Pico seems very
happy( well ok not very happy ) there all night. I just make sure I have
given him a good walk before we settle down for the night. 

> ----------
> From: 	AMOMKate@aol.com[SMTP:AMOMKate@aol.com]
> Reply To: 	GiantDogs-L@onelist.com
> Sent: 	Friday, December 31, 1999 9:20 PM
> To: 	pyrnet-l@pyrnet.org; giantdogs-l@onelist.com
> Subject: 	[GiantDogs-L] crate question
> From: AMOMKate@aol.com
> Leo is 12 weeks old today and it seems he is getting less and less
> tolerant 
> of staying in his crate. He gets plenty of exercise and playtime, is
> outside 
> a good part of each day, and has a comfortable crate. He is on a regular 
> schedule and isn't crated excessively by any means.  He has toys and a
> pillow 
> in his crate. But he is more whiny in his crate every week. He just
> doesn't 
> settle in there easily or comfortably. And during the night, if he hears
> any 
> movement in the house (like someone getting up to get a drink) he begins 
> crying like mad until I take him out to use the bathroom. This can happen 
> several times a night. He has never had an accident in his crate except
> once 
> when he was 8 weeks old.
> Any hints on this? I tend to think this is an important leadership issue
> for 
> me and one which I must win. He is a very dominant, outgoing personality.
> We 
> start obedience classes in 2 weeks.
> Katie
> Check out my book : http://www.attachmentparent.com/
> Check out my dogs : http://www.hometown.aol.com/amomkate/page1.html
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