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Re: [PyrNet-L] Traditional New Year's Meal

Judith, It is French according to the Frugal Gourmet, anyway.
From the Alsace-Lorraine region in the northeast portion of
France. We never used to have Pork and Sauerkraut. We always had
Filet Mignon. Then Carolyn Hardy started spending New Year's with
us. She's Irish and Pork and Sauerkraut was a tradition in her
family. Don't know if it was the Irish part or the
Pennsylvania-Dutch part. Anyway, the traditional P & S fare was a
little bland so we started looking for a new recipe. Found this
one several years ago and have been having it ever since. And Bo
loves it too! He gets about a tablespoon in his dinner every
night while we're eating it. I guess he knows it's a French
Recipe? He has very eclectic taste, anyway. When we tire of
eating it I'll freeze the rest. I also take some with me when I
go out to PA to stay with friends for the Canine Learning
Experience weekend. The recipe says to serve it over boiled
potatoes, but who needs potatoes!

Barb Bowes
Bo, Molly, Chelsea (Pyrs) & Flopsy (Pyr Shep)
The more people I meet, the more I like my dog!