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[PyrNet-L] Happy Birthday Halley! :-)

Today (4 Jan) is the sixth birthday of the beautiful creature who started my
love affair with the Pyrenean breed.

My little Halley may not be the most 'perfect' Pyr in the world, but to me
she is my 'Special Bear'.   When if comes down to it, I don't think I would
really want to change a thing about her :-)  She is, after all, 'The First'

This evening the dogs and I dined on an extra special treat in honour of the
occasion.  Halley's favourite smoked oysters and cheese flavoured rice
crackers was served out to all (major portion to the 'cook' of course ;-),
although Halley, as the birthday girl, got her fair share! )

I am hoping for many, many more years with this lovely little lady about to
keep me smiling and thinking 'happy thoughts'.


Tracy Bassett
Canberra, Australia
visit my webpage at http://members.dynamite.com.au/espinay/index.htm