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Re: [PyrNet-L] Re: Wandering

>From: "Lene Nielsen" <sandybear@intercity.dk>
>Reply-To: pyrnet-l@pyrnet.org
>To: "Pyrnet" <pyrnet-l@pyrnet.org>
>Subject: [PyrNet-L] Re: Wandering
>Date: Fri, 31 Dec 1999 12:29:30 +0100
>Hi Ame
But take the leash of Izoure out on a walk, and it was a completely 
different story. She loved running, and allthough she would come back to me 
from time to time to say hello, most of the time she would be just a white 
spot moving around in the horizon.

She sounds lovely Lene! Pushkin will run the horizon too, but always checks 
back to see just how far I am lagging behind.

>In my experience for a pyr not to wander off is the exception rather than 
>the rule, just like having a non barking pyr, and it is important that we 
>as breeders and owners keep telling new people to expect these traits. 
>Better to warn people a little too much instead of not enough of what to 
>expect from a pyr. Better that people get pleasantly surpriced, because 
>they find their pyr easier to live with than they expected instead of the 
>other way round.

I agree with you completely on this Lene. When folks come up to greet Push 
many seem interested in what they often call the "gentle giant" until I tell 
them that they are a working guard breed, they can be strong willed, they 
shed, they bark, they wander etc. etc.
The folks then look at me as if I am a little nutty- they can't believe any 
of this! But, I believe that a Pyr bought for its looks rather than its 
intrinsic personality and breed traits would, as you
point out, be too much of a surprise and usually one that many new owners 
would be overwhelmed with. And on another Pushkin note, he doesn't bark as 
much as some Pyrs either (I really am lucky on this
as well!)
                 Happy New Years to you and yours!-
                                                    Ame and Pushkin

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