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Re: [PyrNet-L] someone please help me

In a message dated 00-01-07 23:33:14 EST, you write:

<< This problem is called "being in your face" Mike and is part of the 
 temperament along with the flying cups of coffee, snout in the private
 parts, head on knee when sitting on the loo, the list is endless >>

Could this also be a "guy" thing?  When we have three Pyrs in the house, the 
two girls are quite content to spread out on the couch or on the floor.  But 
Baron is the "in your face" Pyr.  He'll finally lay down beside your chair as 
long as you keep one hand on him, just enough for him to feel the contact.  
Several years ago, we had a collie/shephard mix, neutered male that was the 
same way.  No, I take that back, Boomer was WORSE!  

Taylors, SC