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Re: [PyrNet-L] collars

I prefer the rolled leather collars to be worn all of
the time.  They are thin, last forever, and look
really nice. I find that the fur doesn't get matted
with these collars.

As for training and walking, I like the simple metal
training collars.  They don't catch on the fur like
the nylon ones do.  Besides that, you get a much, much
better "pop and release" with the metal link collars. 
You don't need the heavy links for them to be
effective.  Either the fine links (or maybe medium)
will work.  They work best if you keep them higher up
on their neck so that they don't get lost in all of
that fur.  Also, make sure you size the collar
correctly.  Many people make the mistake of buying
them too big and they don't work effectively.  But
remember!!  Never keep the training collar on unless
you are working with the dog.  I have heard more
horror stories than I care to remember about dogs who
wore the collars all of the time and hung themselves
when they got them caught on crates, fences, etc.  
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