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Re: [PyrNet-L] CHAT: The Breed has lost another Old Friend

So sorry to hear of  Carolyn's death.  She was truly a great Pyr
person.  I remember how welcoming she and Bruce were when we attended
our first National in 1970.  Carolyn and Bruce were always friendly and
willing to share their knowledge of the breed with newcomers.  Carolyn
was an honorary member of the National Capitol Area Great Pyrenees Club
and attended every specialty show until she moved to Florida.  She was a
founding member of the Penn-Dutch Great Pyrenees Club and a past Great
Pyrenees Club of America Board member as well as a judge.  In all the
years we knew her, I have never heard of her having enemies.  If you
think about it, this is quite an accomplishment for someone who spent so
many years involved in the dog fancy. Although Carolyn and Bruce had no
children, she had a special fondness for the many children she came into
contact with through the dogs.  Carolyn loved to ride roller
coasters...I'll bet she is having a great time riding roller coasters up
there now. We will miss her

Barb Bowes wrote:

> Carolyn Hardy, founder and owner of Balibasque Kennels, Reg.
> passed away this morning. We have many wonderful memories of this
> unique woman and friend. All that knew her and loved her will
> miss her.
> Barb Bowes
> Bo, Molly, Chelsea (Pyrs) & Flopsy (Pyr Shep)
> The more people I meet, the more I like my dog!
> bamb@monmouth.com
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