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[PyrNet-L] Re Pyrnet digest 20000130

How do we deal with this "inexperienced approach" Joe in trying to make
future Breeders aware of problems they may not be aware of (or do not want
to be aware of??) trying to get them to hip score, have homes for their
puppies, not breed bitches under 2 years etc??  It seems to be an ongoing
thing around the world, get a bitch, get a dog, have a litter, take no
responsibility, o'd the Rescue organisations.  Have a litter but don't
bother to let the Breeder(of the dam)  know until you've done the mating??
Hip xray why???? Too late in some respects for warnings to be given for what
to be aware of. This is all precisely why I now am forced to sell under s/n
contracts and breeding endorsements.  Gone are the days of trusting people
verbally and I regret this.  I am not breeding from the best stock in the
world but I am breeding from hip xrayed stock, I am breeding from excellent
temperaments and I know my bloodlines and I've spent money importing. Why
should I hand all this over to idiots out to make a buck??  I know who I
trust these days and that's a rare thing in itself.  When I think back I
have possibly neutered/spayed more stock than I have bred from and it's
going to be even more in the future. No one unless I can trust them 100%
get's in the back door here any more. No one shows anything that may happen
to have my Kennel name on either sire/dam that I don't approve of, simple as
that.  Yes I'll sell puppies cheaper if they are to be n/s and I am not
alone in this. By the way I have used males(1) under 2 years for Stud. A
neccessity here in 1991 when we had no imports for 5 years and a narrow gene
pool. Had this not been done then the Breed would not be where it is today
in New Zealand.  My next import will be used at 12 months but hip-xrayed
first and used by me. I have myself to answer to first.
Jan Chaplin Ariege-Roussillon Pyreneans. Visit my sites at
http://www.geocities.com/janellachaplin/ and
http://msnhomepages.talkcity.com/PetsPl/pyreneanmountaindog/ and my latest
Site http://msnhomepages.talkcity.com/HobbyCt/postcardcollections/
 the site of PMDC http://www.geocities.com/pyreneans