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[PyrNet-L] New photos

Hamish has his 8 week old photos on his webpage
These will be the last for a while as he leaves here on the 25th of Feb for
Honolulu in Hawaii so Aloha Hamish or Ariege Silva Dolla ( lots of dollars,
no cents or sense!!).  Teddy get's a bath and goes in the mail on Friday so
he'll be there when Hamish arrives.  Thank goodness Veryl Ann Grace is there
to offer guidance to the new owners, they're going to need it.  We've done
our best, Mr Nippy seems to have gone away, Mr Pig is in residence with the
food and he loves Mr Groomer but Mr Loud Mouth still prevails.  Not going to
be a happy person on the 25th, this wee guy has ruled my life for 10weeks so
far but lucky old me, Despreaux Puff Daddy arrives three days before Hamish
goes so if you don't hear from me then you'll know I'm in a rest home! Puff
Daddy is a combination of the lines we have imported since 1990, why go away
from what's been good for you?? His new owners, Claire, Jan and Lavina are
looking forward to meeting him very, very much on the 22nd.
Jan Chaplin Ariege-Roussillon Pyreneans. Visit my sites at
http://www.geocities.com/janellachaplin/ and
http://msnhomepages.talkcity.com/PetsPl/pyreneanmountaindog/ and my latest
Site http://msnhomepages.talkcity.com/HobbyCt/postcardcollections/
 the site of PMDC http://www.geocities.com/pyreneans