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Re: [PyrNet-L] Re: pyrnet-l-digest.20000316

In a message dated 03/17/2000 9:10:03 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
ewacker@indiana.edu writes:

> I'll give this hypothetical situation: 
> you and your house-cohabitators are about to go to dinner,
> or a movie, or out, I don't know, shopping for china, maybe.
> (Suffice it to say you  can't take your beloved furry companion
> with you.)
> Your Pyr is happily sitting on the hillside in your backyard,
> enjoying the evening breeze and the smells it carries.  You
> don't ever  leave your animal outside while you're away, so you
> call her.  And she gives you that "WHAT?" look, and doesn't
> move an inch, otherwise.  How do you get her in the house so
> that you can leave? Do you have to tramp out  there and haul
> her in with a leash?  Keep calling until she figures it's
>  easier to come in than listen to you making yourself hoarse?

Here's my methodology:

1. Always have backup dress clothes pressed and ready to go (or get dog in 
*before* you get ready to go out).

2. Try opening a bag of potato chips with the door slightly cracked open and 
see if dog comes running.  Of course, give dog a few chips once in house if 
they do come.

3. If that doesn't work then you have to go get them (cursing all the way 
there, that's why my dogs all have the middle names that they do) and hope 
and pray they don't decide it would be a good time for a game of "catch me if 
you can", especially if it is raining and/or muddy.

4. Once dog is snagged, then you hope and pray dog does not go dead weight, 
which they will often do especially if they lose the game of "catch me if you 
can".  Just be insistent and pull and tug and make it clear you are quite 
serious if the chosen motivating supplies you have taken along with you don't 
work. They will eventually get up on their feet with the pull and tug method.

5. Once on feet, then you hope they don't put on the brakes. Probably best 
just to take the bag of potato chips and other favorite delicacies outside 
with you to avoid some of these problems.

6. Pat dog on head and say "gotta love ya because you are what you are", 
grin, laugh or smile, then change clothes, freshen up again (or shower again 
if necessary) take off for your intended destination and have a nice evening. 
A couple of drinks while you're out may not hurt and will help you to get 
over the fact that your dog has you wrapped around it's little dewclaw.  Well 
at least until it happens the next time.
