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[PyrNet-L] Have to share this

Over the weekend, the boy who was mowing my lawn found a baby rabbit.  It
was only a few days old and near death, but I did what I could to make it
comfortable for it's last few hours.  Gypsy, my 14 month Pyr, nuzzled it
a bit while I held it and then sat next to me every time I tended to it. 
Sorry to say, the little creature passed on later in the day.  Today when
I came home from work, Gypsy and I shared our usual hellos and then I let
her out into the yard.  A few minutes later, she came to the back door
with another baby rabbit in her mouth.  What a sight - that great big Pyr
gently holding a little tiny baby rabbit ever so gently by the scruff of
it's neck, and whimpering quietly.  She gave me the baby (it was dead
already) and bolted back out into the yard.  I followed her, and she
starting going back and forth, nose to the ground, until she found
another one.  This one, too, she gently picked up and brought to me.  She
once again scanned the yard, and didn't stop until she had covered every
inch.  Then she came and sat next to me while I prepared to dispose of
the bodies.  I told her (as if she would understand)  that it was too
late - I couldn't help them.  And she let out a big sigh, and lay down at
my feet.  I think she DID understand. . .

Jeanne Bravin

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