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Re: [PyrNet-L] Re:flea prevention

In a message dated 5/20/00 1:41:32 AM Eastern Daylight Time, EandUnge@aol.com 

> How about "bio spot"?  Does anyone have any good experience with it?  It
>   seems to be less expensive, and the ads say that it kills ticks, too.

I use the Frontline every 6 weeks from early spring until late fall. I have 
not seen one flea on my dogs in over 3 years. Frontline now comes in a dose 
89-132 lb.. Bio Spot SCARES me! Frontline and Advantage are absorbed and 
redistributed via the oils in the sebaceous glands in the skin. It only goes 
"skin deep" so to say. That's why you should not bathe your pet 2-3 days 
before or after an application. Bathing strips these oils, and you have to 
let them build back up. You also cannot use a flea or tick shampoo, or it 
will also reduce the efficacy. Bio Spot however, is absorbed systemically. 
Once it enters the bloodstream it must be processed by the liver and kidneys. 
Somehow the thought of those chemicals going through those organs bothers me. 
I know of several serious reactions to Bio Spot ranging from skin irritation, 
gastroenteritis, anaphylaxis, all the way to renal failure. I do not know 
about Bio Spot's efficacy for fleas or ticks. Advantage kills fleas, and you 
can use a Preventick collar with it to prevent ticks. Frontline is effective 
for fleas up to three months, and ticks up to one month. We have several 
clients who really like the lufenron (program and sentinel) pills as well. 
Dogs are all different. What works great for one, may not work so well for 
another. Find what's best for your dog!
