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[pyrnet] cheesecake/confessions

Guess I may as well confess that I've been on the Atkins Diet for
about a year. Have lost over 40 LBS. (would have been more, but
I've cheated occasionally! :-/) Went out to Lancaster, PA today
to the PDGPC Fun Day and actually stuck to my diet! Walked right
by the dessert table without even giving it a second thought! My
best friend, however, who is on and off the diet all the time,
did not fare so well. She had 2 desserts!! She is a very bad
influence! At one point my Vet told me I was worth my weight in
gold. (he's on the diet also and has been doing exceedingly well)
I told him I was going to break my diet and gain all the weight
back and then I wanted my payoff!! (we were talking about
something totally unrelated to Veterinary care at the time)
Anyway, the one thing I can absolutely not resist is

Barb Bowes
Bo, Molly, Chelsea (Pyrs) & Flopsy (Pyr Shep)
The more people I meet, the more I like my dog!