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[pyrnet] Re: Old time feeding.

Pyr. list is quiet, so I thought I would toss this out to maybe liven
things up  ( in a peaceful way ), and get some activity going.

This may also date some of us  :-(    sorry about that.

Few friends and I have been talking about dogs, care and feeding when we
grew up in the "50's " Ouch!  I grew up with a Collie, and all sizes of
Poodles.  They got Purina/dry, and Rival/canned all their lives.  When
some of the fancier foods came out " Gravy Train - makes it's own gravy
", they would get that every few weeks as a special treat ( Probably when
Mom found a good sale! ).
Robbie, our Collie lived to 12 years. Poodles lived between 12 and 14
years.  Never remember any of our dogs being sick.  They went in for
yearly shots and a check up and that was it.  All our dogs were inside
dogs, but we had a dutch door on the kitchen, and if Robbie wasn't out in
the yard, he was in the kitchen or could go down the basement to be
cooler down there.  The Poodles had the run of the house because they
didn't shed.

I find out all these years later that my friends thought we were quite "
well to do " because we had pedigreed dogs, and they came inside.  We
were not..Dad was a factory worker, and Mom was a nurse.  We were maybe a
little better off because Mom worked in a time when most women were home.
 Even the fact that we fed " store food" rather than table scraps.  As a
kid, I never thought of this making us different, or being some how
So the conversation came as a surprise.

How about it?  With all the designer foods, and nutrition experts we have
today, anyone want to comment on how their dogs were treated and fed back
in the "old days"?
Surely we can't get in trouble over this?   Cindy

Cindy Henke
Ennis, Texas

"All knowledge, the totality of all questions and answers, is contained
in the dog."  ~ Franz Kafka

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