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[pyrnet] Choosing a show puppy for beginners :-)

For those of you who are experienced in breeding and
showing Pyrs, how would you go about choosing a puppy
as a show prospect for beginners (something we are
considering)? I have studied the breed standard
closely (from the Strang book) and looked at LOTS of
photos. I am planning on attending shows to look at
dogs starting this weekend. 

But it's so hard to know where to begin as a novice.
How do you evaluate different lines? I know how to
spot a reputable breeder, but how much experience
breeding/showing should a breeder have in order to
effectively evaluate a young pup's show prospects?



Katie Allison Granju~http://www.iparenting.com/resources/articles/book_attachment.htmkgranju@yahoo.comKnoxville, TN865.558.9159

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