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[pyrnet] Major Snow!

Well, I've been making preparations all day for the major snow
storm predicted to hit here tomorrow. The snow shovel is at the
ready, I've been shopping to pick up anything we might even
remotely need. And there is a HUGE pot of split pea soup with ham
(made from scratch of course <vbg>) cooling in the fridge. The
bunny has been given fresh straw and water and food bowls have
been filled. I've bought LOTS of table salt to help melt any
residual ice (won't use anything but table salt because of the
animals).  The dogs are waiting with anticipation as they have
been watching the Weather Channel all day! Initial forecast was
for 10 - 16 inches, but now we are forecast for 8 - 12 inches.
But I have not forgotten the time that we were forecast to get a
"dusting" of snow and by the time it stopped, we had 27 inches on
the ground! However, no matter how much we get we are fully
prepared. The only thing that would make it less enjoyable would
be if we lost power or our phone lines. (no email!) So, if I'm
not on line tomorrow you'll know why! <vbg>

Barb Bowes
Bo & Chelsea (Pyrs), Flopsy (Pyr Shep) & Machin (Doxie)
The more people I meet, the more I like my dog!