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RE: [pyrnet] Re: Fleas

Hurray for the guineas -- we have been using them as combination visitor alarm and tick eradicators.  They'll line up like soldiers and patrol the yard, eating every bug they find.  They are great anywhere -- except if you have honeybees.  The guineas like to sit outside the hive and pick off the workers as they come out the door. 
Just don't expect them to meekly walk into the hen house at night, or to lay their eggs where you can find them. They're independent critters and BAD mamas.  They apparently forget that they're not on the African plain with short grass and will pay no attention to their babies as they eat.  They are also the only animal I've found that makes a hen look smart.
 -----Original Message-----
From: owner-pyrnet-l@pyrnet.org [mailto:owner-pyrnet-l@pyrnet.org]On Behalf Of Norjet@aol.com
Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2001 8:07 AM
To: pyrnet-l@pyrnet.org
Subject: [pyrnet] Re: Fleas

We also use Frontline on all three dogs.  I was a bit concerned about using
it on my Beagle who has epilepsy, but she had no ill effects.  Its the only
thing that controls the horrible tick problem we have where I live in SC.  
There are a lot of pine trees surrounding our property, not our trees, that
are loaded with the suckers.  I am working on begging my neighbor that owns
the property to cut them down next to our fence.  He already gave me
permission to move our fence out for a while and let our pygmy goats out
there to clear what is low.  Trouble is the ticks are high up in these trees
and drop on our animals.  The goats have such tough skin they don't have a
problem, but even with the Frontline last year we had to check Gracie every
time she came in all over her body.  We found ticks on her every day.  Its
such a worry as they carry disease.  She is already a heartworm survivor, so
I feel extra protective of her.  The dogs are on Interceptor also. My Kelly
ESS is a HW survivor as well.  I have found that the ticks are not as bad in
my front yard as the back.  Someone told me to get Guinea hens and they eat
ticks.  Will pick up a couple this spring.  I am hoping that the bad winter
we had killed some of the parasites here.  Last summer was a nightmare in the
woods here.  Could have made a horror movie here.

We have been using Frontline with great success. In all the time we =
have been using it Beau has not had a single flea or tick.=20
 Marie and Beau

Linda in SC
Family pets below:                             