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[pyrnet] seamus' knee surgery

well, i'm back on the list after a prolonged absence.  i think i went on
vacation a while back and unsubscribed and then never resubscribed.
anyway, i got back on to get some information on degenerating cruciate
ligaments, which was my vet's initial diagnosis of seamus' rear left leg
limp that has been progressively getting worse for the last few months. at
first i thought it was arthritis so i started him on the
chondroitin/glucosamine regimen and started taking him to my chiropractor.
nothing seemed to help so we finally got the hips x-rayed.  the good news
was that the hips looked great but that the knees looked suspicious.

the next step was to make an appointment with a orthopeadist.  luckily we
live five minutes from angell memorial, a specialist hospital.  we met
with dr. diamond who diagnosed from the xrays and some manipulation of the
left knee the cruciate ligament was significantly torn and would need to
be repaired.  he then explained the 'tplo' surgery that is currently the
way to go with ligament tears.  he said most ligament tears are not the
result of trauma, such as stepping in a hole while running, but are
degenerative in nature.  if you haven't heard of this new surgery there is
a very comprehensive website created by a bernese owner who chronicled her
own dog's story of two tplo procedures:


fortunately for us, only one knee was in need of repair.  however, as the
website and our surgeon stated, in many cases the other knee will have to
be operated on as well.  we are keeping our fingers crossed that we can
recuperate financially first before the other one has to be done.  this
surgery is very expensive, about $2000 per knee.

well, we're home and seamus is out cold.  we have to carry his back end up
one flight of stairs to go outside but other than that we are anticipating
a smooth recovery.  if anyone would like a digital image of seamus looking like a poodle on

one side just email me privately and i'll send it.  he looks funny and pitiful all at the same time.

thanks for listening and especially thanks to karen reiter and linda
weisser both of whom i called and got good advice from prior to our
appointment with the surgeon.  it made for a more informed visit because i
knew what questions to ask.


Susan Dobscha, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Marketing
Bentley College
175 Forest Street
Waltham, MA  02452

781.891.2042 (work)
781.891.3410 (fax)