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Re: [pyrnet] Is it that quiet?

Hi----just thought I'd break the silence with a short story that
happened today! My husband was outside mowing before another downpour
and he called me outside---he pointed towards the neighbor's farm and
walking across the field was their llama. He said "what are you going to
do?" I started to walk across the field and he said " you aren't taking
the dogs are you?" I said come on--he goes "me too?" I told him I might
need him to cover an exit above us--anyway we got about half way across
the field and Sophie noticed the llama--I think she thought we were just
going for a walk! Actually she had been barking at him all afternoon but
never left the yard--(Mom's proud!!!) After noticing the llama she took
off or started to and Dean's calling her back and she came but I said
let her go and told her to "send him home"--with that she chased him
back and then turned and came back to us like "aren't I special"!! Well
of course I was glowing with pride and wonderment at the correctness of
what she did. Truthfully I still can't believe it--what a girl!! One
time she did get in their pen with the horses and I was worried that she
would drive them through the fence but that time(she was 7 months), all
she did was put them in a tight circle and if one of them strayed she
would bring it back in the circle. What a smart dog!! We don't have any
other animals so she has  nor had ever dealt with these problems--how
cool is that.              By the way our big mix, Bear just followed
suit but of course couldn't keep up.  He's slightly overweight due to
the fact he eats whatever Sophie doesn't---and she lets him!!
I guess my short story got long but at least I broke the silence--right?