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Re: [pyrnet] Re: CHAT; animal cruelty

Elaine, thanks for the info.  I was going to ask about that same thing
this morning.  I thought he had already been convicted a few weeks ago. 
I kept seeing it on the news, but could never catch it in time for the
actual story!  Wasn't sure if this was an appeal ( since I had already
heard that he had been convicted ) or what the deal was.
His excuse about the dog biting him really annoyed the heck out of me. 
Like why was he grabbing the dog out of her car, in the first place?  I
for one hope he gets the book thrown at him.  I know a lot of people
would like to see him get tossed out in traffic, judging from previous
comments!  His type are the ones that make "culling" of humans, a real
thought!  I can't imagine what life must be like with his temper, for his
family, but I can't imagine it could be too good.  Supposed to be on GMA
this morning so I will make a point of watching that show.  And yes, I
think animal cruelty deserves jail time!       Cindy

Cindy Henke
Ennis, Texas

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