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Re: [pyrnet] Re: Behaviors.

Hi Pam, I'm probably going to get blasted for this, but, so what else is
new?  My Opinion only here, but..... I think it is good that we remember
our dogs ancestry, but remember that they have become two separate
Wolves have bigger teeth than dogs, are generally more reserved and shy
than dogs ( which is why wolf-dog hybrids are such a disaster waiting to
happen ).  Dogs are the single species of domesticated animal that
actually prefers humans to it's own kind, as a whole.  I think we do the
dog a disservice when we are continually suspect of it's every move and
sure it is out to dominate us with everything it does.  Dogs really love
to be loved, they happily make us their pack, and while some things seem
similar in comparison, I think we always need to be mindful that dogs
freely give themselves to us, and have adapted to us, in fact just as we
have made them modified children, they have become that for us.  Their
behaviors have modified just as their breeding has.  A love nibble may
just be a love nibble.  A plunk on your lap, may just be an attention
getter for a big cuddle, not a way of making you subordinate.  Have you
read " Dogs Never Lie About Love"?  Tell me what you think of it, if you
do or have.  JMO.  Cindy

Cindy Henke
Ennis, Texas

"All knowledge, the totality of all questions and answers, is contained
in the dog."  ~ Franz Kafka

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