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[pyrnet] Rollie's first show!.....and other news

   Well Rollie competed at his first show on June 30th at the Mountaineer Kennel Club show.  Some of you may have met him at the National, he was the little 4 1/2 month old hanging around Jen and I.  {We were the new, totally overwhelmed ones having a blast! :)}
   Anyway, Rollie is the one we had to bottle raise and is just the sweetest little dear.  At the MKC show he went WD for his first point, BOS, Best Bred by Exhibitor and as the youngest competitor in the Bred By Group, defeated a very nice Mastiff for third!
   He really seemed to love it, although he tried to hug me every time I tried to stack him.  :)
   The judge did give me a little scare.  She went over him, marked in the book, came back over and “felt around” again, then looked at me and said “Madam.....you have a bitch here.”  I immediately started asking myself  “where they went” at the same time confirming that “they” were there.  She finally confirmed as well but was then, “well, they’re very small” but thank God she then asked how old he was and when she heard he’d just turned six months, was very relieved.  Needless to say, so was I.  Guess his height made him look a little older or something.
   Kayla, who received 3rd 12-18 month at the National had decided to blow all of her coat and stop eating.....a real feat for her.....just too hot, so of course she was not at her best but still showed her heart out.
   Isaac no longer has his “saddle” he had at the National from blowing his coat, so he looked really nice at the MKC show but somehow Rollie beat him.  I’m not complaining, after all, I am Rollie’s breeder & Momma and am extremely proud of him.....was just one of those nice shocks, ya know?!  :)
   Oh, we also just acquired Mo’s half sister “Peaches” a pretty little red head out of Staranch Panda Behr and Staranch Rouge Masque Ginger.  Also along with Jennifer Robbins, “Anna” a red head with some wolfgray (Ch. BelleAmi’s Bear’s Repeating x Gardezbien STA Elora Promise) and “Mack”, Kayla’s half brother with wolfgray markings (Ch. Karolaska STA Kooler Bear x Gardezbien STA Northern Mist) {I believe is his dam’s registered name, will have to ask Jen as they reside with her.  :)}
   Well I’m done with my rambling for now.  Talk later guys!  :-D
