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[pyrnet] Re: pyrnet-l-digest.20010912-1

        As I sit reading on various lists the different viewpoints and emotions that have resulted from the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, I am struck by how generally sensible, kind, and generous the American people are. Many of us, myself included, are furious, and that rage has caused most of us to want bloodshed of some kind in return. This is a normal reaction to such an intimate violation as our country has experienced. I'm amazed and astounded that we are, as a people and as individuals, still--beneath that rage--able to desire a solution that will allow us to spare innocent lives. While many of us realize this simply may not be possible, we still desire it.
        We are good people, and we come from every country on this planet and from every religion. We have our own disagreements among each other and our own instances of inequality, raciscm and prejudice, but behind all that we are still AMERICANS. I have seen so many acts of bravery and goodness in the past couple of days, it makes me proud.
        I pity our President, because he has unbelievably difficult choices ahead of him, and I hope he will respond well. I think he will, and I KNOW he will try his absolute best. I have heard people complaining about how previous administrations have allowed terrorism to flourish, and I can't help but agree,  and I hope that if President Bush undertakes this effort to root out and punish/destroy terrorism (and he must), that he continues with it until it will actually do some good. I believe the administration is making a good start, what with contacting governments and leaders worldwide to form a Coalition Against Terrorism, but that coalition must also have teeth and USE them. America cannot be perceived as a "Paper Tiger", nor can the coalition as a whole. These animals who attacked us have attacked us and others before and gotten away with it. They must be made to understand that this time they have the Tiger by the tail.
        The question is going to be, will all these countries who have agreed to support us do more than pay the idea lip service? As many have pointed out, America spreads herself thin attempting to help others...but how often do any of those others actually help US? In this fight against terrorism, they are going to have to realize that in helping us, they are helping the entire world community...including themselves. I sincerely hope that all the Arab nations will also step forward and offer their genuine assistance in this endeavor. I know some of them will, but I would like to see ALL of them work toward this greater peace for all mankind.
        We, as human beings, must become adult enough to grow beyond our petty hatreds and prejudices. We have to stop fighting Arab against  Jew, Muslim against Jew, Christian against Christian (as in the Protestant/Catholic division), one religion against another, one race against another, one country against another. There are too many of these divisions to name...but it HAS to be put aside or we will, indeed, destroy ourselves.
Rhonda Collins
Beauty and the Beast fanfiction
Romance novel - "Kahramaan" and "Beyond Saqqara" -  First and second novels of the Castles in the Sand series. Review available at: http://www.roadtoromance.dhs.org