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Re: [pyrnet] RE: Denise/Bear's own aggressiveness

Sorry, I meant Bridget owns Bear.
----- Original Message -----
From: Denise
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2001 10:05 PM
Subject: Re: [pyrnet] RE: Denise/Bear's own aggressiveness

I Know how hard this is...believe me.  We had Angus neutered immediately after the first bite.  Obviously it did not solve the problem.  Angus was never aggressive consistently and since we got him as a stray at about 10 months old, we didn't know his history.  I don't know what we'd have done if we had him from a puppy.  We are looking to find breeders in Tennessee and are anxious to have another Pyr.  I wish I had some advice for you, but can't think of anything I would have done differently.  Try the neutering, but be vigilant.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2001 5:52 AM
Subject: [pyrnet] RE: Denise/Bear's own aggressiveness

Denise, so very sorry that you had to make such a heart wrenching decision.  I've been having similar issues with Bear.  It's gotten to the point that I put him in his room when company comes over until I can get everyone seated and then lead him out and have him sit with me until he's comfortable with who's here. 
It started when he decided to become overly aggressive with a little boy that comes here all the time.  I thought that he was just trying to play and accidentally hurt him.  Well, let me say it didn't really hurt him badly.  He nipped his stomach and I honestly thought it was because he was jumping.  He has always given this little boy hugs (jumping and putting his front legs on your shoulders) and I just assumed that was what he was trying to do.
Since then he has snapped at the hands of two people that were petting Sugar and then tried to pet him.  While they were petting Sugar Bear he was sniffing the back of their hands; when they moved their hands and tried to pet him he snapped.
I really don't have a clue as to why he's started being nasty.  Other than telling him that was a bad thing to do and putting him in his room I don't know what I can do.  I would be lying if I were to say that having him put to sleep had not entered my mind.  However, I don't know that I will be able to do that.  What I thought was that it was an isolated incident and it's not been the case.  He just seems to have become more aggressive. 
I'm wondering if I have him neutered if that would help.  He's going to be two this October 31 and I think that's old to have him neutered but I also think it MAY help with the aggressiveness.
Any input you may have, having had personal experience with this issue will be greatly appreciated.  If you choose to write off-list, my addy is below.
My deepest sympathies and condolences to your family,
Bridget, Bear & Sugar Bear
Alabama Gulf Coast
kaiser4@ gulftel.com
----- Original Message -----
From: Denise
Sent: Sunday, September 16, 2001 3:12 PM
Subject: [pyrnet] A very sad day

I must say that I am a little hesitant about posting this because I don't think I can handle a single I told you so, so I will only ask that you be kind and compassionate and not take this opportunity to gloat.  This is Denise (of Jerry and Denise, Angus' mom).  We just got back from putting him down.  He has been living with a friend of ours who has an 80 lb 8 mo old German Shepherd who desperately needed a companion to keep her from eating the siding off of their house when left alone.  He has been there about a month and they have bonded and everybody was happy.  However, today Angus attacked a little girl who visits their home regularly.  They have played together and loved on each other numerous times since his relocation, but today he jumped her.  He did very little damage but, needless to say, convinced me he must have issues with children.  I could no longer assume that the first incident was an isolated one.  I didn't even allow Jerry the time to voice an opinion.  I decided he needed to be put down and we did it.  I am sure that we have done the right thing even though my heart hurts.  We will absolutely be getting another puppy to love (no more strays) and it is very likely, thanks to Angus' love and devotion we will likely get a Pyr.  So thanks for not using this painful time to say I told you so, and hope that we will be able to share future Pyr puppy stories soon.