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Re: [pyrnet] Yoo-Hoo!

Pooh is challenging!  Well I think I may have to resort to putting a hot
wire around the bottom of the fence.  I hate to do this, but I'm running out
of things to fill her holes with.  I can't just put the dirt back in them,
that is a total waste of time.  If only I could teach her to dig where I
want to put in fence posts...ha, ha

Unfortunately she is being too good of an LGD outside. She wants to guard
everything inside and out of her pasture.  She also is an excessive barker,
especially at night.  Of course the day I went to see her, both of the girls
were quiet.  They just saw sucker written all over my face....

 I may have to resort to making her an indoor/outdoor dog.  I really don't
want to do this, I want her to guard the goats (lots of coyotes here).  Well
she just might have to guard my house instead.  I have to admit she is great
inside.  I would hate to separate the girls, but I think the older one likes
the goats better anyway.  Well hopefully my rebellious teenager will grow up


----- Original Message -----
From: <Reedialer1@aol.com>
To: <pyrnet-l@pyrnet.org>
Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2001 6:16 PM
Subject: Re: [pyrnet] Yoo-Hoo!

> Heidi, i am NOT showing this to my pup. all i need is for Mellow to decide
> can digout too! then i'm really in trouble.
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