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[pyrnet] Crazy Weekend!

Sorry to say this but I'm soooo glad everyone seems to be having
"issues" this week!   I thought Levi and Ali were just trying to drive
me over the edge!  I'm in my first year of law school and we have finals
coming up so I was trying to study all weekend and Levi just did not
want to settle down at all!!!  He hasn't been this hyper since the first
week or two that I had him.  Every time I turned around he was playing
with tupperware, the cats or the turtles!!!

Thankfully this weekend they decided to stop herding the cats and tried
to get along with them (I've had the 2 pyr's for about 3 months now).
Unfortunately the way they decided to get along is that the cats have
taught the dogs how to open cupboard doors!  They now seem to have a
system that the dogs open the lower doors and get out the cat treats and
the cats open the high doors to get the dog treats and they "trade."

I think he was trying to get back at me for the last 2 weeks.  A couple
of weeks ago he had cut himself on a sharp edge of the furnace and I had
to take him to the emergency room at 1 a.m. and he ended up getting 8
staples in his side.  He definitely did not appreciate getting "knocked
out" for the procedure either.  I actually had to carry him inside from
the car to the house.  The cut was high on his right side where he could
barely lick it but he could definitely get it with his foot.  So.... I
put a thick sock on his foot and duct taped it on!  Then he started to
lick it constantly so... I put the ointment on it covered it with the
gauze pad and wrapped and ace bandage around his middle.  He looked so
funny walking around for 14 days with a blue sock and an ace bandage!  I
thought it was hilarious but he apparently didn't!  Boy was he happy
when the staples were removed!

My other pyr Ali couldn't have been anymore curious this weekend
either.  She is usually so laid back you have to poke her every once in
a while to make sure she's OK and this weekend she decided to help with
the laundry.  Unfortuately, the laundry was already clean when she
decided to drag it down the basement stairs for me.  I also caught her
trying to open the fridge!  I guess since she had conquered the
cupboards the next step was the fridge!!

But now that the dogs are getting along with the cats they've decided
that my two turtles make great toys!  They just love to "spin and slide"
the turtles on the kitchen floor!

Somehow in the middle of all this I have to study for Law School
finals!  I'll probably start talking about dogs on my finals!  I'm just
lucky I don't have human kids!!

Shannon (the human) Levi & Ali (the hyper pyrs) Boots & Misty (grumpy
cats) and Gus and Fred (the now dizzy turtles)

n:Russell, MPA;Shannon
tel;fax:(330) 325-5910
tel;work:(330) 325-6500
org:NEOUCOM;Research & Sponsored Programs
adr:;;4209 State Route 44;Rootstown;Ohio;44272;
title:Research Administrator
fn:Shannon Russell, MPA