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[pyrnet] barking.... what else?

(My apologies for the duplicate post, for those of you on another pyr
list... I want all the help I can get!)

I just joined this list. I got my first pyr about a month ago (the
extremely handsome Hector, a rescue, 2-3 years old, scheduled for
heartworm tx and then neutering soon) and am exploring every avenue.  :)

What else would a new pyrmom be posting about?  :)  Okay, the barking
when I'm at home is pretty much okay.  I went through the good bark/bad
bark thing with the late, great Tucker, and also found Joan's wonderful
article about it, which gave me much needed moral support to keep doing
it with Hector.  Yes,  he still has his moments.  When I tell him "no
bark" and he still has to look at me and just let one more fly... he
comes inside, pronto.  (Which is what he wanted all along, so does he
have me well trained or what?)

But what do you do when you're not there?  My across-the-street neighbor
told me "I think that new dog gets the other ones going" around 5:00 in
the afternoon.  Apparently he starts barkingbarkingbarking and then
Oengus and Guenny chime in with their howling (which I think is
beautiful, but that's just my northern breed/wolfdog bias<g>).  It
doesn't go on forever... when I drive up around 6:00, it's quiet until
they realize I'm home. But what do you do with a handsome guy who
apparently thinks I ought to beam home the minute I'm out of work????

Guenevere, Oengus and Hector the Pyr! 
AIM: guenevere1313

"If some people see angels where others see only empty space, let them
paint angels."

                  - John Ruskin