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[pyrnet] Allergies in Pyrs?

Hi Everyone,
I was hoping for some advice on a hot spot problem I
have been having with my 4 year old pyr Mandy.
A history; this past June I brought her to my sister's
beach house for a long weekend. She didn't go near the
water (doesn't like it) but it was quite humid and by
Sunday morning she had a hot spot (first one ever) on
her leg. I got her to the vet on Tuesday, spot was
shaved, she got medication and she improved, although
she seemed itchier then usual. Benedryl was
recommended to help with this.
In September she developed a spot on her back, vet
visit again and this time she also had a staff
infection, spot shaved, meds including prednisone
(sp?), and a cream. This time the vet says she
suspects its an allergy and if the problem persists
recommends doing allergy testing. Well, things were
looking pretty good, the area on her back seemed to be
healing nicely, fur growing back in (although a little
pinkish from the cream).
Until this morning, when I saw that she had been
biting at it and the skin looks rather irritated.I
suppose I need to go back to the vet for the testing,
but was wondering if anyone had any experience with
this type of problem and could offer any suggestions?
Any advice is appreciated.

Kelly & Mandy
Boston, Massachusetts

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