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[pyrnet] CHAT: Bo is 11 Today!

Today is Bo's 11th Birthday! As you may already know, he is my
'Heart Dog'. <G> More affectionately known as 'Oot'. We will be
celebrating tonight with McD's chicken nuggets. (his favorite
food) As a special treat, he got to visit the Vet today for
another glucose test. Due to the fact that today is his Birthday,
we opted to forego his pedicure. (besides, his nails did not need
doing this time <G>) For which he is eternally grateful. He is
still very low on his glucose level. Used 2 different glucometers
and a dipstick to be sure. But other than lethargy, he is showing
no other symptoms of Hypoglycemia. So for now, we leave things as
they are. Next month he goes in for his vaccs. We'll do another
in house glucose, full Chem panel and CBC. I will be talking to
the other Vet on Wednesday about ultrasounding his pancreas. But
if it means taking him to the specialty clinic, I will forego the
test. At his age, I just do not trust another Vet to tranquilize
him. and this is not an emergency situation. Besides, the
specialty clinic will not allow me in the room for the
ultrasound, and my Vet will.

Barb Bowes
Bo & Chelsea (Pyrs), Flopsy (Pyr Shep) & Machin (Doxie)
The more people I meet, the more I like my dog!