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[pyrnet] Re: pyrnet-l-digest.20011230

In a message dated 12/31/2001 12:01:53 AM Eastern Standard Time, pyrnet-l-owner@pyrnet.org writes:

Hi Sue, welcome to the list! Is Siri neutered? He sure is getting
up there in age. I have one who was born in 12/90. :-) Siri might
have a bit of pancreatitis. Be careful of the amount of fat he
gets. If he is not neutered, he might be having some prostate
problems as well. Getting a urinalysis done at the Vet's might
give you some clues there.

Barb Bowes>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>..

Hi Sue ~~~~~~Welcome !!
I   second  Barb on this ~~get Your boy to the Vet ~~to control diareah~~go to the store~~buy a can of "pure" pumpkin~~(NOT pumpkin pie filling, but PURE pumpkin)~~~Give Sirus approx 1  heaping tablespoon per day (just mix it in with His food)~~You should notice the stools will start "firming up " right away~
Now, the rest of the pumkin will mold before You can use all of it~so~~~~~line a cookie sheet with  wax paper~~drop , by tablespoons, the rest of the pumpkin, (PURE, not PIE FILLING)~~~put the cookie sheet in the freezer~~when the "cookies are frozen, put them in a plastic bag, return them to the freezer~~You now have a convient, dose by dose pumpkin cookie for Sirus!!~~It only will take about 30 seconds in a little water , in the microwave, to return it to liquid~~

Good luck, Sue

Pam C