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[pyrnet] Re: pyrnet-l-digest.20020227

And then you ladies complain that none of the males in the household ever
lift a finger to help with the laundry.  <Very Big Evil Grin>




Rhonda, this is soooo much like my Montana Bear! He loves to steal clothing
and chew on it. When he was a terrible teenager he actually chewed holes in
 two down comforters. Ever seen a Pyr with feathers? LOL I got rather good
at re-stuffing and repairing down filled items. Your Newman stories remind
me of the year or so when the thought of Puppycide was never far from my
mind. It would take a novel to tell of all the things Montana pulled, but I
do hear what you are saying. >VBG<

All things considered, puppywise, he's pretty good. But he IS a thief. No conscience whatsoever!

I suspect that I will not be popular for saying this and I don't mean it to
be directed at Ann in a personal sense.  But, have we arrived at the point
where some perceived (but unknown) possible "risk" to the dog or some as yet
unborn, likely never born, other dogs, has become more important than
honesty in a relationship with another human being.

The dog's life is "short".  The human relationship might well last most of a
human lifetime.  Putting people first, folks.

Thank you, Linda.

It a-pyrs to me this could be a great habit.  Now if you can only train =
him to take the garbage out and make his chew things up place the =
garbage can.... Or you can learn to fold clothes in the closet. =20

I am fortunate none of my guys has a clothes fixation (although my OES =
was quite fond of dirty underwear -- so fond of it he often gave it to =
company --- trained dh to use the hamper very quickly-<eg>).  However =
they do like to investigate counter tops, cabinets, the oven, the frig.  =

Gee, Tea...do you suppose they have an obedience class that teaches "Laundry 101"? I don't think the closet is big enough to fold clothes in. Unfortunately, I've had to move to the bedroom. That way, it forces me to get the folding/putting away done before I'm allowed to go to bed.  See how well Newman is training me?