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[pyrnet] Newman's Weight Loss

Rhonda, different set of troubles, but my 2002 isn't going so
well, either. Perhaps all the bad stuff will be over with in the
first quarter! Anyway, checking for worms is excellent advice,
especially tape worm. The HW preventative meds do not cover
tapeworm, and often it is not picked up in a fecal at the Vet's.
Check his stools (break them apart with a stick) for several days
in a row. This must be done right after he defecates. Also get a
stool sample in to the Vet. Whip worms can be lethal. Again,
fresh sample is needed for the Vet. If it will be any amount of
time between collection and delivery to Vet, refrigerate. This
preserves the worm eggs so that they can be detected. Here's
hoping 2002 gets better as the year goes on! <G>

Barb Bowes
Bo & Chelsea (Pyrs), Flopsy (Pyr Shep) & Machin (Doxie)
The more people I meet, the more I like my dog!