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[pyrnet] FW: breed bans on airline shipping

I saw this on another list and thought everyone should be made aware of this
farce! We all know that breed-specific bans can be easily extended to more &
more breeds.

Sariena Foley
Dedicated, in loving memory to my boy Zeus -February 14, 00-September 27, 01
Educational site about the Great Pyrenees and facts about the ONLY reliable
source to obtain one.......a RESPONSIBLE breeder!

> Author gave permission to crosspost:
> Subj: American Airlines restrictions
> I am reading from a Cargo Service Advisory given to me at American
> Airlines this morning when I went in to ship a puppy  Effective
> the following restrictions are in Place.  American Airlines will no longer
> accept the following breeds of dogs:
> American Pit Bull Terrier
> Amer. Stafforshire Terrier
> Bull Terrier
> Doberman Pinscher
> Rottweiler
> Puppies of these breeds between 8 & 12 weeks of age may be accepted.
> The breed and age of the dog must be indicated on the health certificate.
> Crossbreeds containing one of the above breeds, when indicated on the
> cert. are also prohibited.
> They suggested people need to complain now before you actually get
> turned  down when you take a dog in to be shipped. They suggested the
> club needs to write a letter to American Airlines and they (the employees)
> felt this was discrimination and wrong.
> They all realized that any breed can be vicious and that it was wrong
> to point out specific breeds when most of the dogs of these breeds are
> perfectly fine. But
> they have no say, this is the new company policy.
> Maybe everyone already knew this but it was news to me since I rarely
> ship puppies.