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[pyrnet] Boise Dog shows-bit of a brag


We got back a few days ago from the Boise Dog Shows (Capitol City and Lizard 
Butte Dog shows).  I wanted to let you folks know that Romy took "Reserve 
Winner Dog" on his first day (his brother Scout took "Winner dog" and "Best 
of Opposite Sex" (we are proud of scout too...keep it in the family eh?)).

On the remaining two days Romy took "Winner Dog" and "Best of Opposite Sex."  

Romy is becoming quite a furry professional in the show ring.  My wife 
handles him and told me that he gets very focused and serious...he even spits 
out treats/bait she gives him for a job well done in the ring.  He is not 
nervous at all...he greets the judges with a nice wagging tail and stands 
very well for "inspection."

In the hotel room he discovered the beds were quite comfortable and gave him 
a good view of the TV.  Hey, do any of your Pyr's cock their head back and 
forth at new sounds as if they are trying to figure things out?  He does that 
a lot.

Here is another new trick of his.  When it was bed time (or crate time for 
him) he buried his head under the bed.  I suppose he figured he was hiding 
and we would never be able to find him to put him back in his crate.  Of 
course, it was quite easy to find him as the rest of the big white fur-ball 
didn't quite fit under the bed!

Quite fun!

Keith, Soo, Dusty, and Romy